
Hasnuhana Flower Magic: 7 Fascinating Facts to Captivate Your Senses

The hasnuhana flower, scientifically known as Cestrum nocturnum, is a captivating plant renowned for its intoxicating fragrance that permeates the night air. Commonly referred to as Night-Blooming Jasmine or Raat Ki Rani in Hindi, this plant belongs to the Solanaceae family and is cherished for its ornamental and aromatic qualities.

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating details of the hasnuhana flower, from its botanical characteristics to its cultivation and uses.

Botanical Overview of Hasnuhana Flower

  • Scientific Name: Cestrum nocturnum
  • Common Names: Night-Blooming Jasmine, Lady of the Night, Raat Ki Rani
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Origin: Native to the West Indies, but now widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
  • Hasnuhana Flower called in English is Night-Blooming Jasmine.

Characteristics of Hasnuhana Flower

Cestrum nocturnum is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub that can reach heights of 10-12 feet. The plant has slender, arching branches and glossy, lance-shaped leaves that are bright green in color.

The flowers are small, tubular, and creamy white or greenish-yellow, arranged in clusters. Despite their modest appearance, the flowers emit a powerful, sweet fragrance that becomes more pronounced at night, attracting pollinators such as moths.

How to Grow Hasnuhana Flower Plant

Growing hasnuhana is relatively easy, provided the right conditions are met:

  1. Climate: Cestrum nocturnum thrives in warm, tropical, and subtropical climates. It prefers temperatures between 60-85°F (15-30°C) and does not tolerate frost.
  2. Light: This plant requires full sun to partial shade. While it can tolerate some shade, it blooms best with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  3. Soil: Well-draining, fertile soil is ideal for hasnuhana. A mix of garden soil, compost, and sand works well to ensure good drainage.
  4. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant deeply once or twice a week, depending on the climate and soil conditions.
  5. Fertilization: Feed the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
  6. Pruning: Prune the plant after the flowering season to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. Remove any dead or diseased branches.

Uses and Benefits of Hasnuhana Flower

The hasnuhana flower is primarily grown for its enchanting fragrance and ornamental value. Here are some common uses:

  1. Ornamental Plant: Due to its sweet-smelling flowers, hasnuhana is often planted in gardens, near patios, and along walkways to create a pleasant evening ambiance.
  2. Medicinal Uses: In traditional medicine, parts of the hasnuhana plant have been used to treat various ailments. The leaves and flowers are believed to have antispasmodic, sedative, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it’s important to note that all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested in large quantities.
  3. Aromatic Uses: The essential oils extracted from the flowers are used in perfumes and aromatherapy for their soothing and relaxing effects.

Interesting Facts about hasnuhana Flower

  1. Nocturnal Bloomer: As the name suggests, Night-Blooming Jasmine opens its flowers at dusk, releasing its strong fragrance throughout the night. This makes it particularly appealing for night gardens and evening strolls.
  2. Pollination: The powerful scent of hasnuhana attracts nocturnal pollinators like moths. These pollinators are essential for the plant’s reproductive cycle, ensuring the transfer of pollen from flower to flower.
  3. Toxicity: Despite its alluring fragrance, Cestrum nocturnum is toxic to humans and animals if ingested. It contains alkaloids and glycosides, which can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and respiratory issues. Always handle with care and keep away from pets and children.

4. Historical Use: In Caribbean folklore, Night-Blooming Jasmine has been used in various cultural rituals and traditional medicines. Its leaves and flowers were often employed to treat ailments like asthma, colds, and skin infections.

5. Rapid Growth: Cestrum nocturnum is known for its vigorous growth rate. Under ideal conditions, it can quickly spread and take over garden spaces. Regular pruning is essential to keep its growth in check.

6. Night Garden Staple: Due to its night-blooming nature and strong fragrance, hasnuhana is a popular choice for creating moon gardens, which are designed to be enjoyed during nighttime.

    Care Tips for Hasnuhana Flower Plant

    • Pest Control: Keep an eye out for common pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to manage infestations.
    • Winter Care: In regions with cold winters, grow hasnuhana in containers so they can be brought indoors when temperatures drop. Alternatively, provide frost protection using blankets or frost cloths.


    The hasnuhana flower, or Cestrum nocturnum, is a beautiful and aromatic addition to any garden. Its enchanting nighttime fragrance makes it a popular choice for gardeners looking to create a magical evening atmosphere. With proper care and attention, this night-blooming jasmine will reward you with its delightful scent and elegant presence. Whether used for ornamental purposes or in traditional medicine, the hasnuhana flower continues to captivate and charm with its nocturnal allure.

    What is the Hasnuhana flower?


    The Hasnuhana flower, scientifically known as Cestrum nocturnum, is an evergreen shrub known for its intoxicating nighttime fragrance. It is commonly referred to as Night-Blooming Jasmine or Raat Ki Rani in Hindi.

    Where is the Hasnuhana flower originally from?


    The Hasnuhana flower is native to the West Indies but is now widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

    How tall does the Hasnuhana plant grow?


    Cestrum nocturnum is a fast-growing shrub that can reach heights of 10-12 feet.

    Does the Hasnuhana plant need full sun?


    The Hasnuhana plant requires full sun to partial shade, blooming best with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

    Is the Hasnuhana plant toxic?


    Yes, all parts of the Hasnuhana plant are toxic if ingested in large quantities. It contains alkaloids and glycosides that can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and respiratory issues.

    Can Hasnuhana be used for medicinal purposes?


    In traditional medicine, parts of the Hasnuhana plant have been used to treat various ailments. The leaves and flowers are believed to have antispasmodic, sedative, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, caution is advised due to the plant’s toxicity.

    What are some interesting facts about the Hasnuhana flower?


    It blooms at night, releasing a strong fragrance.
    Its powerful scent attracts nocturnal pollinators like moths.
    It has historical uses in Caribbean folklore and traditional medicine.
    It is a fast-growing plant and needs regular pruning to control its spread.

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